“Baby” is a 2023 Telugu-language comedy-drama film directed by Vijay Kumar Konda, starring Anand Deverakonda, Priyanka Jawalkar, and Prakash Raj. The film follows Karthik, a young man who is forced to take care of a baby after his girlfriend abandons him. The film follows Karthik’s relationship with Anjali, who leaves him after getting pregnant. Karthik struggles initially but eventually learns to be a good father, with the help of friends and family. The film is a heartwarming story about the power of love and family, with excellent performances from the cast, particularly Anand Deverakonda.
The film’s flaws include slow pacing and potential trimming of 30 minutes. However, the overall enjoyment of the film is still enjoyable. The film effectively balances humor and drama, with genuinely funny and emotionally engaging moments. The message about the importance of family is heartwarming and uplifting. The supporting cast, particularly Prakash Raj and Samuthirakani, is excellent, and the film’s music is catchy and memorable. Overall, “Baby” is a well-made film with a heartwarming message, making it a great choice for fans of Telugu cinema or anyone who enjoys a good feel-good film.
This film could be a good choice for having fun as well as getting a lesson too…
Yeah it really could be… BTW thanks brother for having a look here… have a great time while you’re here…